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Scholarship and Awards Opportunities

Attention Seniors and Juniors – Be sure to check out the Guidance Office Bulletin Board or contact the Guidance Office (852-3400 x7204) for additional scholarship information or application materials. 
If the deadline says "unk" we have not yet received information for this year's scholarship and deadline information.
Sponsor Criteria Deadline
Syracuse Chapter
Of the CPCU Society
High School seniors planning to pursue a career in the Risk Management and Insurance Industry.
Career Options:
See guidance for application
More Info:
“Mean Stinks Scholarship” Students are asked to share how they will bring an end to bullying, must be 17 or older.
Abbott & Fenner Scholarship Program Students need to submit an essay on the topic that appears on the scholarship page of their website:
Scholarship Guidance Website There are several scholarships under the scholarship guidance website
  1.  Stephen J. Brody Stop Hunger
  2. 10 Words or Less Scholarship
  3. Zieger Firm Scholarship
  4. IAPMO Scholarship
See Scholarship Guidance website for application details and application process.
B. Davis Scholarship Visit website at
to read about program and apply for scholarships
Empire State Potato Growers Seniors planning to pursue a full time program benefitting the agricultural industry (Ag. Engineering, Agronomy, Crop & Soil Sciences, Food Sciences, Horticulture, Plant Pathology) Other criteria: academic achievement, leadership abilities and NYS residency.  Download application at ESPG website, email or visit the counseling office. 1/15/18
CNY Air & Waste Management Association (AWMA) High School graduates entering college (FT) in a degree track related to the environment.  Must be residents of or going to college in the CNY Region. unk
Fireman’s Association of the State of New York (FASNY) Senior must be related to a firefighter, be a firefighter or be an explorer in a fire department who will be pursuing a post secondary career in the community service/related area at a 2/4 year college.  For more info visit 3/15/18
BP Global Citizens of Tomorrow Scholarship (AFS) Student interested in a year program to study abroad (Brazil, China, India, Malaysia, South Africa).  Must have a 3.0 or higher, have an interest in STEM fields.
Must fill out an AFS application with the Financial Aid application.
Society of Women Engineers Women completing HS accepted at an accredited college/university which leads to a Bachelor’s degree in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math.  Email unk
Syracuse Chapter of CPCU Society Scholarship Seniors who are enrolled in the Risk Management and Insurance Program @ SUNY Oswego OR planning to pursue a career in the Risk Mgmt and Insurance Industry. unk
2018 CNY STEM Scholars Program 7 Scholarships
Available to the following Counties;  Onondaga, Madison, Cortland.  No financial eligibility requirement.  Students attending a college/university in NYS intending to study in certain STEM fields – see website  Chosen based on academic merit, activities and application responses.
Ruth Schaub High School Senior Scholarship Given to a high school senior woman based on financial need, plans for continuing higher education, leadership qualities, academic achievement and community service.  Residents of Cortland County.  See Counseling office unk
American Society of Military Comptrollers Students who are entering the fields of Finance, Accounting, Bus. Admin., Public Admin., Economics, Operations Research and/or Computer Science.  GPA of at least an 85.  Application in the Counseling office, must have 2 letters of recommendation. unk
Zonta Club
Jean M. Coon
Humanitarian Award
Given to a high school junior or senior woman who performs outstanding community service.  See Counseling office. unk
Cortland County Trappers Association Senior with a minumum average of C+ planning to major in Wildlife Management, Matural Resource Conservation, Forestry or related field.  Letter of intent, 2 letters of recommentaion.  See Counsling office for more information unk
Association of Fire Districtsof the State of New York Eligible to high school seniors who will be attending a two or four year college upon graduation.  Four, onetime $1500 scholarships will be awarded to high school seniors.  Application must be related to a firetfighter, be a firefighter or be an Explorer in a fire department.  Scholarship application is in the Counseling office. last saturday in February
New York Water Environment Association Visit for futher details and online applications.  Applications are only available online! 2/28/18
Excelsior Scholarship Program Please visit the scholarship unit at
email or call 888-697-4372
Please visit the website for the most current information and deadlines!
Ruritan Scholarship Please see the Counseling office for current year's application! 2/13/18
Landscape Scholarship Please visit unk
NACE Foundation Scholarships
MIT THINK Scholarship
GE Reagan Foundation Scholarship
 JCI Senate Foundation Scholarships
Harris Poll Scholarship
 YDI Scholarship
CrossLites Scholarship 12/31/17
Profile in Courage Scholarship 1/4/18
Ron Brown Scholarship 1/9/18
Washington Crossing Foundation Scholarship 1/15/18
Pathable Women in Science Scholarship 1/15/18
CSEA Local #827 Scholarship High school seniors must be a child/stepchild of a Local #827 member in good standing.  Applicaiton, minimum 250 word essay and transcript.  Application available in the Counseling office. unk
Cortland Rotary Scholarship Financial need, scholastic ability, good citizenship and a commitment to continue educaiton beyond high school.  Application available in the Counseling office, when available. unk
Scholarship Scams: You should not pay for something that is readily available.

Where to go for information:
·      Better Business Bureau in the city where the scholarship service is located/
·      Federal Trade Commission 877-FTC-HELP
·      NYS Consumer Protection
·      National Fraud Information Center (NFIC) 800-876-7060
Dr. Neal Capone, Superintendent
711 Railroad Street
DeRuyter, New York 13052

Phone: (315) 852-3400
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