Guidance News
Typical Timetable of Events (MS/HS)
6th through 8th Grades
Begin career exploration through classroom visits and conversations with School Counselors, classroom presentations by School Counselors and
individual student meetings during which abilities, dreams, values and goal setting are discussed.
9th and 10th Grades
Continue exploring your interests, values, abilities and aptitudes with friends, family, teachers and school counselors. Take challenging courses and get involved in extracurricular activities in school and within the community.
11th Grade
Continue to take challenging courses
October - take PSAT (results available mid-December)
Review for SAT and ACT
March - Meet with School Counselor to review graduation requirements, course selection for senior year and post high school planning. Receive Junior College Planning Guide.
April - take ACT
May - take SAT
June - take SAT Subject tests (if required) and/or ACT
Spring/Summer - visit colleges, meet with Military recruiters, etc.
12th Grade
September - meet with School Counselor regarding graduation requirements and post high school planning. Receive Senior Year Collge Planning Guide.
October/November - take/retake SAT and or/ACT
October/November - prepare and submit college applications
December - attend Financial Aid Night
January/February - submit FAFSA and required finacial aid forms
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