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Bus Clipart-school bus with rooftop flying banner back to school clipart
If you're interested in substitute driving contact us today 315-852-3400 x 7408


Sarah Rouse - Transportation Assistant - 315-852-3400 x 7408
Handles All Transportation Changes 
Kevin Springer
- Bus Driver Trainer/19A - 315-852-3400 x 7408
Terry Leete - Mechanic - 315-852-3400 x 7409



 Amy Calhoun, Jim Tiffany, Jeff Randall, Greg Coon, Jason Covert, Ed Stafford, Michelle Stafford, James Fuller,        Sarah Rouse, Terry Leete


PARENTS - WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!   We are asking for your help in keeping the bussing experience a safe one this school year.  Each time you have a change in your child's transportation, please send your child to school with a written note.  We know that circumstances change and cannot be helped, but would ask that in those special circumstances you call Sarah Rouse 315-852-3400 x 7408 no later than 1:00 pm with your changes.  Please make sure you speak to someone in person - leaving a message on voice mail may result in the message not being received -  as often times phone messages are not reviewed if things get busy in the office.  Also, please do not e-mail your bus changes - if there is substitute in that day, the message may not be received.  Thank you for your help in this important safety matter.

Bus Drop-Off/Release Times:

As an added measure of safety for our students, the following procedures will be utilized:

Buses will be arriving at school no earlier than 7:50 each morning.

Walkers and/or Student Drivers SHOULD NOT arrive at school prior to 7:50 a.m.

Elementary afternoon walkers will be held in the cafeteria and Middle School/High School walkers/drivers in the small gym until all buses have departed from school for their afternoon runs.  Once the buses have left, walkers will be dismissed.


Bus Safety Reminder:

New York State Law states that ALL students (PK-12) must cross 10 feet (10 steps) in front of the bus.  Since small children cannot visualize what 10 feet may be, the best way for them to cross in front of the bus is to go out far enough so that when they look back at the bus, they can see the driver so he or she can motion to them when it is safe to cross.  It is especially helpful for the first week or two of school that an older person be there to help the younger students get on and off the bus safely.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Dr. Neal Capone, Superintendent
711 Railroad Street
DeRuyter, New York 13052

Phone: (315) 852-3400
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