Wellness Policy
Food service:
Policy Statement:
In order to grow, learn and thrive children need to access an environment that encourages the intake of healthful foods and participation in lifelong physical activity.
Healthy eating and adequate physical activity will help students achive good health and foster student attendance and learning.
The DeRuyter Central School food Service is committed to providing a school environment that promotes and protects student and staff`s health and well being by supporting healthly eating and physical activity. Therefore, it is the policy of DeRuyter Central School Food Service that:
- Health and wellness committee.
The health and wellness committee will update the policy annually. The committee member will consist of Community members, teachers, administrators , school health personal, food service staff and others deemed nessesary by the Board of Ed.
- Nutritional Quality of food and Beverages sold in school cafereria
School Meals:
- Offer a variety of fruits and vegetables
- Serve only 1 percent or less milk products
- Ensure beginning July 1,2012 (SY2012-2013)-June 30,2014(SY 2013-2014)half of the grains offered during the school week must meet the whole grain criteria, after SY2014, all grains must be whole grian in order to meet the NSLP and SBP nutrition standards set by usda.
- Meet the policies and requirements that are set by udsa.
- We will encourage parents to provide a healthy breakfast to their children through newsletter articles, take home materials or other means.
- Half the grains offered during the school week( SY 2013-14) must meet the whole grain-rich criteria. Beginning July 1.2014(SY 2014-15) All grains must meet the whole grain-rich criteria set by usda
Free and Reduced school Meals:
- The District will, to the extent possible, remove any stigma involved in participating in this program.
Food & Beverages sold outside of the Reimbursable school meals, such as ala-carte items (Snack Items)
- Will follow the Choose Sensibly guidelines
To be considered a sensible choice a snack should contain:
7 grams or less of fat
2 grams or less of saturated fat
0 grams of trans fat
15 grams or less of sugar
360 milligrams or less of sodium
One serving per package.