Phone System Update
DeRuyter Central School has updated our phone voice attendant! While it has come with some challenges, this change will assist callers in reaching the appropriate extension to help them. We have gone to a "tiered" system. Below is a version of what you can expect when calling:
When 315-852-3400 is called, you will receive a welcome:
Welcome to DeRuyter Central School’s automated voice attendant. If you know your party’s extension, you may dial it at any time.
For the Elementary School, Press 1
For the Middle or High School, Press 2
For Student Medical, Press 3
For all other offices, Press 4
Once you make your choice, there will be another greeting followed by more choices:
For example, if you Press 1 for the Elementary School, the welcome and choices will be something like this:
Welcome to DeRuyter Elementary School. If you know your party’s extension, you may dial it at any time or choose from the following options
To change your student’s end of day transportation (this must be done before 1:00 pm), Press 1
To have your student released early Press 2
To Reach the Elementary Principal’s Office, Press 3
To Reach the Special Education Office, Press 4
To Reach the Elementary Guidance/Registrar’s Office, Press 5
To Reach Student Medical, Press 6
or remain on the line and your call will be transferred to the Main Operator. Thank you for calling and have a great day.
If you Press 2 for the Middle School/High School, the welcome and choices will be something like this:
Welcome to DeRuyter Middle School/High School. If you know your party’s extension, you may dial it at any time or choose from the following options
To Reach the Athletic Director’s Secretary, Press 1
To have your student released early, Press 2
To Reach the Middle School/High School Principal’s Office, Press 3
To Reach the Special Education Office, Press 4
To Reach the Guidance Office/Registrar’s Office, Press 5
To Reach Family Health Network, Press 6
or remain on the line and your call will be transferred to the Main Operator. Thank you and have a great day.
If you Press 3 for All Other Offices, the welcome and choices will be something like this:
Welcome to DeRuyter Central School, please choose from the the following selections:
Press 1 for the School Nurse
Press 2 for the Special Patrol Officer
Press 3 for the Business Office
Press 4 for the Cafeteria
Press 5 for the Guidance Office/Registrar’s Office
Press 6 for Transportation
Press 7 for Facilities
Press 8 for the Superintendent’s Office
Or remain on the line and your call will be transferred to the Main Operator.
Thank you for calling and have a great day.